Jul 12Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

The idea of synesthesia is so mind-blowing to me. It really must be amazing to live in that world.

Great first post! Also, I love how you listed the benefits on the Subscribe page - so clever!

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Wow. just wow. I barely push "send" and you have read it and commented. I'm in awe. You must have a reading super-power too!

Yes, synesthesia is mind-blowing. It's an overwhelming world. one I've learned to manage.

For a year, I was the primary care-taker for my cousin who has autism. He was non-verbal, and was obsessed with the alphabet. At 3 years old, he could form the alphabet forwards and backwards with both hands with his refrigerator magnets while also rearranging three-syllable words into different words. He taught me more about words and language than anyone I've ever met. I think he had synesthesia and couldn't handle the overwhelm of it, so it manifested in autism.

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Jul 12Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

What can I say - Sychronicity, guess!

That is very interesting. I can see how it could be overwhelming. Best wishes to your cousin. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to reading more of your writing!

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thank you so much

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I'm so looking forward to learning more from you Teri. I find all of this so fascinating. I love that you say "Words are spells." They really are.

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Jul 14Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

I never thought I'd ever run into another person with synesthesia. A couple years ago I found a woman on Instagram who makes mandala art based on her synesthesia and it is FASCINATING!!! I could watch her reels for hours and hours on end. Here's a link to her IG in case you're interested:


Really looking forward to seeing how this pub rolls out, Teri!

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someone mentioned a post you made some time back about mandalas. I did a short dive into your archives and didn’t find it (yet). is that post based on this insta-art?

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Hmmm, the only post I've mentioned mandalas in is this one. But I only briefly touched on this particular mandala art from the synesthesia lady. https://open.substack.com/pub/wildhoodwanted/p/earning-unconventional-money-online?r=2qffbg&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Fascinating Teri! Words have immense power.

My motto for years has been: "The words you choose set yourself up for either success or failure... Choose wisely."

I'm thrilled when I come across a like-minded soul sister

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It's really nice to know you, and have you as part of the word-witch tribe!

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